{family} JOFFREY

by Shalice Noel


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 . . . at the offices, not the theatre, but still smiling!


It is always amazing how the most wonderful plan can go awry with kids. It seems so lovely when you are planning it in your head. There are Christmas carols in the background and everybody is smiling and a light snow is softly floating around us as we walk to The Nutcracker at the Joffrey. Right. So what really happened on the day of the show was that we somehow went to the Joffrey office–walking in Hurricane Katrina wind, no snow in sight–instead of the theater, making us late, which in turn had us waiting around in the upstairs holding area. Everybody really loved that part. So far, so bad. And then we were seated, behind the orchestra pit! And then … it was magic. I really can’t say it any other way. My girls were entranced; my boys were enthralled; the hubs and I were thrilled. It was everything you would expect from The Nutcracker by the Joffrey Ballet Company. The music, the jumping, the beautiful, beautiful ballerinas … and to top it all off, the Radison Blu hosted a family event for Friends of the Joffrey right after the performance. The kids are still talking about the face painting, ballet slippers, and Rudolph crafts! It was a night for the books. Many many thanks to the Joffrey Ballet for the wonderful night!

my coat MODCLOTH / jeans AEO / boots ROCKPORT 

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1 comment

Maurice December 19, 2015 - 2:00 am

You have such a good blog.


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