
Quay Australia

grey sweater similar sweatshirt :: leatherette jeans :: rope heels by mode collective ::

similar :: hat :: clear aviators :: hat :: Barnun black sunnies :: taupe satchel :: Photo’s by Tasha

It’s often difficult to find an outfit that can work from business casual to drinks with girlfriends. But I found it.  I mean leggings and a baseball hat are brought to the next level with simple red lip, rope heels and the right sunglasses, am I right? Here I cannot stress enough how versatile an oversize gray sweater is with streamline leatherette pants. Because you don’t have enough lazy days, you can’t have enough cozy gray sweaters. Personally, since a whole lot of running four kids around LA is anything but smooth, I need easy separates I feel good in and work for dinner later at République. You’re welcome. Happy Tuesday!

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