

Dress and pre-order here // Sandals // Sunglasses // Earrings // Similar Ring

Sundays are usually crazy busy, and if you’re like us, we try and squeeze every last minute out of Sundays. After church we eat a quick lunch at home followed by soccer, clean the house, get ready for the week and a popcorn and ice cream dinner. I know, so healthy. But speaking of healthy, I just started using a jade roller (it de-puffs under your eyes, leave it in the freezer for best results) and ordered a new prenatal. I’m also starting a new workout so let me know if you’d like to see more! In the meantime, my dress was restocked in size small so hurry up if that’s your size, and as an fyi that’s the size I’m wearing here! Also if you’re looking for some under $60 sandals for summer, these come in tan and black and they’re worth getting both colors like I did.

For more #pregnancystyle stay tuned and follow me on Pinterest as I’m collecting my favorite looks! Also, my shop page is always open 24/7

Happy Monday!


Click on any picture to shop my latest Instagrams below!

Everyone loves a good Q and A! I get a lot of FAQ, so I thought I’d answer some of them here:

How is this pregnancy different?

I forgot how much you need to visit the restroom, I’ve never had 4 sets of hands on me constantly rubbing my belly. And cravings are daily!

How are you feeling?

More energy now that I’m not sick, but evenings are still hard. I can’t eat a big dinner or I feel naseous.

What are the kids most excited about?

All things baby! Taking him to the beach, the pool their favorite park, etc. They are already so in love, I love seeing their excitement, it really melts me. I thank God for these moments!

What are some of your favorite mom hacks?

Get a keratin treatment! I was doing weekly blowouts  before my keratin treatment. After the treatment, my hair was silky, smooth and straight! All mamas rejoice! Also, Buy Lash Boost, no this is not an ad. I used to schedule a lash extension appointment 2+ hrs, lay for that long, organize a sitter and it cost lots of money! I got smart and apply lash boost every night and my lashes and eye brown grew out beautifully even after the sad effects of lash extensions. If you’re not familiar, long lasting use of lash extensions can stunt the growth of your natural lashes.

How do you find time for the gym?

My kids happen to love the gym nursery (Thank God) and I love new workout threads. I’m taking it easier now pregnant, but still toning with weights.

What’s next for the cabin? 

Good question! It’s the fun stuff! Lighting, I just ordered a rug off Etsy, (who doesn’t love free shipping? 🙂 I’m looking for bunk beds and futons, so if you know of any, shoot me an email!

What’s your latest cravings?

Goat cheese, pickled beets, good dressing like homemade balsamic vinegrette, raisin bread, sometimes eaten all together. My kids remind me how weird my eating habits are!

How are the kids, what are they into?

They recently got a bunch of books from the library about paper airplanes and they’re addicted.  We have paper airplanes flying all over the house, good and bad.

Lastly, anything you’re purchased for you and baby, any must-haves for the pregnant mama? 

If you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll notice its a maternity edition. Well there are LOTS but I try and keep it simple, below are some faves!

Did I miss your question or are you too shy to ask? Shoot me an email: shalice@shalicenoel.com


xx Gratefully, Shalice

I don’t know if you saw my Instagram announcement yesterday, but I’m pregnant with our 5th! We always talked about having a 5th even shortly after we had #4, but the timing was off since we decided to move from the midwest to the west coast for new jobs, better weather, etc. I took a break to build the blog and get our bearings here in LA. Meanwhile, I had a tug for another baby and finally convinced hubby.

Three months ago, I took an at-home pregnancy test and all was immediately confirmed with ongoing sickness. Mine was night sickness and I couldn’t keep food down past 3 pm or so. It was ROUGH. And it was hard to keep a secret. Fast forward to now, I’m 14 weeks, holding food down, and feeling much better! While I’m nervous about the 5 year age gap, I’m also thankful my youngest can dress himself and my oldest can make food like fry an egg, set the table, etc. That makes life easier right?

We broke the news to the kids during our daughter’s birthday. We wrapped a baby bottle, she opened it, and we announced they will have a new brother or sister! They were shocked and for the last couple weeks have been “preparing” by strolling their baby dolls around the block in their strollers. It’s the cutest thing seeing them tenderly swaddle their dolls.

It hasn’t been all fun and games though, as this pregnancy has been a little more rocky. I had some hemorrhaging last week and went to urgent care for blood tests and an emergency ultrasound. While it was super scary, I was told this is pretty common and to take it easy. The silver lining was, we accidentally found out what we’re having while getting the emergency ultrasound—wanna know?

So without further adieu . . .

IT’S A . . .

. . .

. . .


While I will not be buying all those cute turbans baby girls wear on Instagram, I will gladly swap it out for bunny ear hats and oh-so-cozy knits. While he is not here yet, prayers are still needed. My heart goes out to the mothers who have had worse conditions and thank you to those who have already shared their stories on Instagram. You are my hero! Now, since we left our crib in Chicago, and gave everything else away, please comment with all your favorite baby gear and baby gear brands! I need your help because it has been 5 whole years since being out of baby mode.

Thanks for sharing this journey with us!

See some of my thoughts on motherhood HERE

XX Shalice

5 Workout Faves

by Shalice Noel


sports bra // similar pants // top // similar back pack // his shirt //  tanning towels I’ve been using //


I’ve been getting more to the gym not only because summer is coming but its the much needed endorphins I need! I’m loving the results, been taking a little pre-workout for more energy for the afternoon slump and calm gummies for the evening. As for feeling good at the gym, here are 5 workout pieces I’m loving! These sneakers were just marked down to $67, and this bra top is on sale too! We plan to go back to the cabin after a couple events tomorrow. What are you up to?

Happy Weekend!

BRA TOPS – I’m all about a good bra top to change it up. Here are my faves!

ACTIVE TOPS – I love these worn over a good sports bra

PANTS – I’m all about flattering workout pants! They can go from gym to cafe with the right top and bag.

ACCESSORIES – sometimes the right shoes and the right gym bag is the finishing touch


dress (it’s under $100!) // heels // similar jacket //  “H” belt


For Valentine’s Day I thought I’d share 10 Ways to Improve Your Relationship. After nearly 11 years of marriage, (yes 11!) our relationship is a work in progress but a hundred times better than day one, year one, and everything in between. I’m definitely thanking God for his grace in our lives! Read on:

1. This may seem little, but say thank you for little things. Like if he cleaned dishes before they left for work, text them “THANK YOU,” write them a short note on a post-it, or leave them their favorite chocolate by their keys. Saying thank you is the balm to sometimes intense moments. Just stop everything and do it.

2. Say Sorry, it’s so hard to do, but seriously you must. Give each other grace and don’t expect your partner to be perfect. After all, you aren’t.

3. Take an interest in his hobbyHe likes to workout, I like to shop and we found we both like to coffee shop hop. Yay! Don’t try and change his interests and hobbies, rather take an interest and count that as quality time together.

4. Give 100%, expect 90%. On the plane on our way to Hawaii for our honeymoon, an old lady who sat next to us told us to give 100% in marriage, and expect 90%.

5. Don’t take each other too seriously, give grace and work hard.

6. Time Together – make dates a priority. This is especially important after you’ve had kids! Whether we have a one hour window to get coffee or a working lunch date, or date night at home with the kids in bed early, its really important to ask each other how they’re doing. It’s the LIFEBLOOD of our relationship.

7. Make the bed, haha I try and do this and it really helps. It’s the little things right?

8. Words of encouragement when we were first married, I would put notecards in his briefcase. Now, I’m more likely to send a verse in an email or text to encourage him.

9. Declutter this is hard for me, since I blog I have lots of products coming, going and laying around. One of my goals in 2018 to be better about spring cleaning. This means a lot to my spouse so when I do declutter, I’m loving him. And when I’ve had a nutty day, he gets it and helps me clean up.

10.  When in doubt, do a check- up and read the love verse: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. I Cor 13:4-5

Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours! Read more about our engagement and anniversary here and here. What are some ways you have found that work to improve your relationship?

Share in the comments below <3

I believe some of the greatest things I’ve done have happened when I’ve followed my gut. Reid, the kids, and I visited Lake Arrowhead all but twice and made an offer on a 1970’s A-frame on our second visit. The next day, we were told the sellers accepted the offer and found ourselves in the midst of the home buying process. Living in LA, I was and still am nervous about living an hour and a half away and getting work done on it. While this nearly 1800 square foot beauty was shining in her day, she is clearly worn out now (namely the kitchen) and needs a loving face lift. Our kids are OBSESSED with the woods, this wooden A-frame, the fresh air, the sliver of lake we see from our deck, and I am obsessed with dreams of a pancake breakfasts with my kids while sitting at the bar of my island in my new kitchen. This purchase started with a dream, and continues with a dream. I promise to document the process, the ugly, and hopefully lots of pretty to show you coming up. Who doesn’t love a good before and after picture? I think we have the next couple weekends booked as we go up Friday through Sunday and become weekend warriors. Send all the tips, hugs and painting contractor names our way.


XO Shalice

Stay tuned to our renovation and comment if you’d like to see more!

We had the opportunity last week to go as a family to The Ritz Carlton Rancho Mirage in Palm Springs.  The brand ASbyDF invited us to stay for two nights and feature some of their gorgeous new arrivals. Needless to say, it was a beautiful desert getaway with so many amenities and natural beauty surrounding us. To name a few, the separate kids pool and adults vista pool, the spa (I got a facial) , Reid hit the gym and club lounge. The latter of which really made the trip.  The Club Lounge provides breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks from 7 – 10 at night.  Our room happened to be a couple doors down from the club lounge. So convenient and we goofed around in their for a little while. Our special last night, we ate dinner at State, a restaurant within the hotel. We enjoyed decadent burgers, steaks and excellent kids menu.  Oh and the kids finished their plates, thanks to the full day of swimming. As a special treat, the kids were invited into the kitchen to meet the chef, so cool!  They couldn’t believe the full size pig getting ready for a roasting.  If you’re planning a trip to Rancho Mirage, don’t miss these things:

STAR GAZING starts at 6:30, see the bright stars (If the weather permits…it usually does) and meanwhile enjoy a milky way candy bar.

HIKING you can go hiking around the hotel and nearby Indian Canyon. If we had more than 2 days, we would have loved to hike!

POOLS and hot tubs, we enjoyed the kids pool but there’s also a beautiful adult only pool with a spectacular view.

THE SPA you can use their hot tubs till 7:30 that day of service.

THE GYM has gymnastic rings and battle ropes for some HIIT (High Intensity Impact Training)

Have you been to Palm Springs or Rancho Mirage? Let me know in the comments below. And we are re-vamping the blog, so feel free to share what you’d like to see more of — stay tuned!

my parka // my dress // boots // hubby’s coat // little boy parka

Sunday’s are always a mad dash to get to church by 9am, but it also happens to be one of my favorite days. Hubby usually makes pancakes or puffed pancakes, we bond over meals together, something mid week is lacking, and go to church, usually out for lunch than hang at home or take a nap. The house is usually exceptionally messy and we have popcorn for dinner, but that’s okay one day a week right? I linked our outfits below and bonus, my jeans are on sale!

boots // tank // jeans (on sale!) // jacket and here // red hat

What the kids wore

A couple times a year, Shopbop has an awesome sale, from jeans to tops to shoes! See below some of my picks!



Every parent will face this question whether your child is two or twelve: How much screen time is too much? Reid and I have struggled with it lately with all four kids gravitating to the iPad and begging to use our laptops to play games. Its a HUGE struggle! A couple computer games like typing class, ABCYA, (and I’m open to hear your suggestions) are educational and great for kids. But countless studies have come out about the negative results of extended screen time on children. I probably don’t have to school you on this, you’ve probably heard it all and know what I’m talking about. Long days sitting at my laptop and looking at my iPhone give me sore eyes and sometimes even a headache. But the real question is, what do we do about it?


Circle with Disney came out with a device to help parents like Reid and I monitor our kids screen time. Circle is a little white device that pairs with your internet and comes with an app to easily manage every device in the home. First of all, I downloaded the Circle app on my phone. From there, I can set different filters for each kid (so my 9 year old is allotted more time than my 4 year old) for time limits, pausing, and monitoring through usage. I like that I can see where my kids are spending time online. I’m really grateful Circle has not only started the conversation but devised a solution because I’ll admit, monitoring is a full time job and who has that time? I’ve even resorted to hiding the iPad in the kitchen cabinets so the kids don’t find it. (Hopefully they aren’t reading this.) Now I can monitor remotely and they are rewarded with more screen time when they abide by the time limits.

Am I alone or do you also have this struggle? Comment below with some of your solutions or your own experience.

Also, today thru Dec. 22nd Circle is having a promotion of $20 off!

Thank you Circle Disney for sponsoring this post!

Camel Coat Outfit

Ski Jacket // Ski Pants //

The Arrabelle at Vail Mountain

Perched up on top of the breathtaking Rockies – a mere 8,022 feet above sea level, is the European inspired town of Vail, CO. I cannot tell you how excited we were to finally go here! Not to mention as a family. This summer, we stopped in Vail for two days on our way to Chicago. Read more here. We rode the gondola and marveled at the streams, the warm sun, chilly nights, and most of all, GORGEOUS VIEWS. Family vacations, as many moms know, are not all relaxing all the time, so we were super excited when Reid’s parents agreed to join us in Vail for a couple of days. A girl needs a couple date nights out with hubby, right? I also got a little spa day, more on that below.

Which do you prefer?  Skiing or beach.  As always…I’ll welcome one of each per year, if I can.  All in the name of balance, right?  Now that we live in a warm climate, I don’t mind a week in snowy cabin.  The family was fortunate enough to partner with Vail Resorts as the ski season was just getting kicked off this last week.  The beauty of going skiing as a young family is that you are investing in their skills so when they are teenagers, they’ll be racing you down the black diamonds…if that’s your thing.  Or, sipping hot chocolate with you in the lodge.

Reserved Ski lessons

For a large family, you can book a private group lesson for less than 4 kids ½ day ski school.  Here’s our lesson learned.  Skiers and snowboards don’t mix.  The boys chose to snowboard and the girls skied.  I booked Ski lessons for everyone.  The Vail Ski School was super accommodating.  They arranged for a group ½ day lesson for the boys at a little extra cost.  The girls kept with the private lesson I had originally booked.  While the kids were in their lessons, Reid and I skied together which ended up being on the same bunny slope as the kids.  So we all got to see each other the first day.  And woahhhh… did my heart melt seeing my mini snowboarders figuring things out!  It was the cutest thing I have ever seen.  Seriously.  Worth every penny.  The boys though switched to skiing the rest of the trip, so Reid and I spent a day teaching them skiing.  Fortunately, they picked it up pretty fast.  Can we say Pizza?  I grew up calling it Snowplow?  What did you call it?

Booked a spa treatment

My hubby surprised me with a spa treatment at the Arrabelle Spa.  With the winter dryness setting in, airplane hair, wind burn, I needed major facial reconstruction.  I had a 50 minute glow facial.  It was…..

Yes.  That good.

I loved the exfoliation, steam, hot towels and how tight my skin felt afterwards. I learned a lot too! The aesthetician told me silk pillows are worth the buy both for your hair and skin, go easy on chemical peels, and every night you go to bed with make-up on, ages you 7 days. Ouch! Good to know. Bonus, I was given lemon sorbet after the procedure and a welcome to come back to the spa anytime to use the spa’s hot tub, sauna and steam room as we were hotel guests. Which of course Reid and I did that night. 

Meal Planning

Planning a day on the slopes can be overwhelming.  Especially for a larger family.  We tried to ease some stress by packing a backpack of crackers, gummies and water.  It did help some hangry moments.  Nobody really wanted to stop skiing, so a quick snack hit the spot.  Plus, the lifts lines we the best during the lunch hour!

Spending time on the slopes will be memorable now and years to come.  We are now one of those skiing families that I always dreamed of being.

Thank you Vail Mountain/Vail Tourism for a wonderful trip our family will never forget!