trench worn in small // polka dot camisole from Express here is similar and similar // red day heels in size 9 (TTS so comfy!) // shorts // jeans // turquoise ring (similar)
1 // CONSISTENCY Post and write daily // Tell your audience what to expect and follow through.
2 // COLLABORATION Together we are stronger, do not shy away from partnering with a like minded bloggers. I once did a shoot with another fashion blogger, Sheryl from Walk in Wonderland and it was so fun! We shared each other on our blogs. Remember, collaboration over competition.
3 // BRANDING Think of your blog as your brand. Sit down and wrote down what your brand is about in 5 sentences.
4 // KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE Study you analytics, straight out ask them. Watch youtube videos on how to find your super power. Ask yourself what is something I know that no one else does or does as well as I do? Am I story telling? In marketing 101, we learn nothing is sold by just sharing facts. You must use story telling to sell your product. Are you telling your story and if so, how is your audience responding?
5 // JUST DO IT Not to sound cliché, but running a business is equal parts heart and head. Go outside the norm, challenge yourself. Do something that makes you scared. My college professor once said boldly, “Take holy risks.” I haven’t forgotten it.
6 // WORK HARDER AND SMARTER // Hustle, work until the work is done, make lists, and delegate. If you’re not good editing, find someone who is! Another pair of eyes is always helpful. I have a virtual assistant who is SO HELPFUL. Many days I wear many hats, from styling, creative directing, modeling to administration. All of it. You get the point! Don’t be afraid to jump in. If there is something you’re not an expert in, google it, and find someone who is. Don’t be afraid to reach out to another blogger. Collaborate! We all have separate gifts.
7 // STAY THE COURSE Slow and steady won the race.
8 // TEACH YOURSELF NEW THINGS, from hair braiding to coding to photoshop to video editing. A successful entrepreneur is ALWAYS learning.
Any tips you have? I’d love to hear.
Happy Thursday!