This weekend we are off to Santa Monica, and if the kids have anything to do with it, we will stop by the beach. I’m keeping it simple with a cotton dress, sneakers (or cute sandals in blush velvet) and my trusty hat. I’ love that this dress is under $50 so the inevitable spills don’t stress me out. Back to breakfast with my crew, shop more dress finds below. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
hat BP NORDSTROM bag Nat et Nin :: dress TOPSHOP :: Under $20 Maxi :: sneakers KENNETH COLE (matching mini pair HERE)
More weekend dresses:
1 comment
Yasss! You rocked that beautiful striped dress Mademoiselle Gorgeous … the best Summer all around errand, and all over town look! 🙂
Have yourself a fabulous weekend.
?LA BIJOUX BELLA ?| By Mia | A Creative Lifestyle Blog