Check the Liketoknow.it app for exclusive promo codes to some of their biggest retailers like Abercrombie and Elemis. It’s a good time to stock up for winter or stock up on gifts! I indicate the promo codes below for easy ordering. If you haven’t already, download the free LTK App to follow daily outfits, search “shalicenoel.”
Abercrombie (code LTKFALL)
So many good fleeces and jackets on sale!
Colleen Rothschild (use code LTKCRB)
Elemis (promo code LTK25)
Express (use code 1791 for $10 off)
Nasty Gal (code LTKDAY)
Hope you girls found something you liked from the above. I also update my shop page daily, so see more of what I’m shopping below: