The Most Amazing Salad

by Shalice Noel

I keep getting asked, what’s in my salads? I love love a good salad to the point that I get excited to eat it! Here’s the ingredients give or take a couple extra items I have in the fridge.

Organic Spring mix (I place a paper towel in the plastic container so it doesn’t rot the next day)
1 ripe Avocado
Green (I like manzanilla don’t get low sodium) and black olives (I liked sliced in a can)
Roasted sunflower seeds
Homemade balsamic vinaigrette (see recipe below)

Balsamic Vinaigrette (recipe can be doubled)

Mince 2 cloves of garlic and add the following ingredients in a small jar with lid:

1/3 cup avocado oil (or canola oil)

2 T balsamic vinegar

1 tablespoon sugar or 1 tablespoon of agave

1/2 t. salt (I use pink salt)

Shake vigorously and serve. Store in fridge up to a week.

Let me know what you think or any variances you add. Have a great weekend. We’re having friends over this weekend and grilling out on Reid’s new grill. The kids are trying to talk us into a beach morning, but we shall see. What are you up to? Have a great weekend!

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