
Kitchen Reno

by Shalice Noel

Kitchen Surface: Neolith Calcutta Luxe // Goodman lights with brass interior // Brass knobs // Kitchen renovations are becoming our specialty. I love giving life to tired kitchens and putting…


Labor Day Sales

by Shalice Noel

Anthropologie EXPRESS H&M J crew code HELLOFALL for 40% off MANGO 30% off purchases of $150 or more VERISHOP use code FALLFEELS

Fall Fashion

Fall Madewell Try-On

by Shalice Noel

My assistant Caroline did a Madewell try-on showing their new fall clothes. Who wants to see? Scroll down! Which look is your favorite? Happy ALMOST fall! With Reid out of…

1 (15 ounce) can Organic Garbanzo Beans, rinsed and drained (chickpeas) 3 large eggs 1/2 cup creamy almond butter (just almonds + salt) 1/2 cup pure maple syrup (or sub honey) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon baking powder ¼ teaspoon salt 1…


3 Tips To Enhance Your Lashes

by Shalice Noel

3 Tips To Enhance Your Lashes 1. Use a sensitive eye makeup removing cleanser, some makeup removers are very harsh on your eyes! 2. Apply GrandeLASH-MD Lash Enhancing Serum on…