Here’s the food I’ve been feeding Levi that is freshly made and sent weekly to our door. He loves it!
Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is coming up. Are you ready? To get prepared for the madness, the good kind of madness . . . . become a card member now, follow me on the app, my newsletter, and stay tuned for a fun giveaway. I can’t wait!
How I scored vintage Fendi, read the post here.
I can’t wait to try this guacamole recipe, oops, I mean hair mask that promises the shiniest hair ever. It’s worth a try.
This is the peplum top you’ve been asking me about on stories.
Gluten free and Dairy free Twix bars? Yes please! I’ve made 3 thus far. It is worth making, a crowd favorite, and use an 8×8 glass baking dish. The metal one I used burnt some of the crust. SO GOOD! See below:

Woah girls, Amazon items have been selling like hotcakes, here are some of your favorites.
We started reading Hero Tales before bed with the kids. They love it and it inspires them to greater things.
Want 10% off REVOLVE? use code CANDY. You’re welcome!
Have you tried my blueberry muffin recipe? They melt in your mouth and I’m trying to limit myself to three! Gluten free!
Shopbop has some great pieces on sale and you can sign into your Amazon account and enjoy 2 day shipping! See some of my favorites below, including this amazing PEASANT TOP I can’t stop wearing.
My dad is in town, so we plan to spend some time by the pool and long walks. Levi loves walks in his stroller! It is SUCH a blessing to have my dad here. We spent long summer planting flowers and vegetables together. So many good memories!
What are your plans? The outfit details to what I wore last night are below.
Happy Friday!
jeans // similar top // sandals // similar bag

Don’t forget, my shop page is open 24/7, you can follow me on the free Liketoknow.it app “shalicenoel” for quick links, and you can always “shop my instagrams.”