older girls yellow dress // jacket sold out at press time// booties // girls denim jacket // girls dress similar // booties // gucci belt bag
Do you ever put together matching outfits for you and your kids? I love doing this with my girls! They probably won’t let me do it forever so I have to enjoy it while I can, right? Ha! Nordstrom is where I go to find matching booties for the three of us. It’s so convenient—have I mentioned the curbside pickup for online orders? I’m just so obsessed with it.
I like to think my girls (and the boys too) are pretty fashion forward but are also just like any kids and like to run around outside and be tough on their clothes. Anything I pick up at Nordstrom Kids always lasts and keeps them looking stylish too. And yes, I let her borrow my Gucci bag. I can’t shame her for her good taste. 😉
Thank you Nordstrom for sponsoring this post!