Face tape can be sticky business.
No pun intended.
Before I posted a reel about how I don’t use Botox for aging, I was not familiar with the magic of face tape.
A couple weeks ago, I posted a reel was on how I plan to age naturally. I mentioned in my reel that taking liquid collagen was actually cheaper! I got a flood of responses on both sides, some who related and others who disagreed. I love stirring up a good conversation. Natalie, a friend I have met on Instagram, direct messaged me saying that she uses Furlesse strips (aka face tape) to help iron out fine lines and wrinkles. She said that even though face tape compliments your current injectables, the face tape works so well she doesn’t need it.
I was intrigued.
I’ll be turning 40 in December, so I’m no stranger to laugh lines and forehead wrinkles. My follower who became a friend, Natalie, told me to try the rows for the forehead and crows for my furrowing. After my first night using them, I was hooked. I took before and after pics. It seemed to smooth wrinkled lines with consistent use. I later asked the founder, a mom and entrepreneur, Cathy, how she came up with Furlesse and how it works. Here’s her response:
“I created Furlesse over 10 years ago. I got the idea for my wrinkle patches from hearing stories of women using scotch tape, butterfly bandages, and even duct tape to smooth their wrinkles. I was intrigued by the idea of a natural solution to keeping wrinkles under control and thought that something that held wrinkles smooth might be a pretty good idea. At the time, there was nothing on the market that was clear or cut into custom shapes. I researched how to get this product created and brought it to market in 2010. Since launching over 10 years ago, there has been huge growth in this sector, and my products are more relevant than ever to what people want today.
Furlesse patches work by smoothing out the skin while holding it in place, preventing unwanted pillow creases and furrowing of the face. Certain areas of the face are prone to wrinkles due to everyday facial expressions. You can wear the patches anywhere from 20 minutes to overnight—wear them for shorter periods of time for a quick fix or throughout the night for longer lasting results. You will see immediate results upon removal with lasting effects varying per user. The more frequent and longer the use, the better the results. Furlesse patches can be used as a complement to your existing cosmetic injectable routine or can stand on their own as a natural, non-invasive option to smoothing facial lines and wrinkles. The patches are a great way for people to have an alternative way to help maintain their youthful look without having to seek drastic measures or spend lots of money with injectables.”
I’ve included my frequently asked questions below:
How do Fulesse work?
They are clear, stiff little stickers and they work by preventing your skin from folding and wrinkling as you sleep. Each one is a different shape designed for different target areas of the face that tend to crease when sleeping.
What tape do you use the most?
I love using the elevens and rows the most!
Can you use them more than once?
Yes, I use them 2-3 more nights. Just keep in mind, the more often you use them, some of the stickiness comes off.
Shalice, How do you use Furlesse?
I used the elevens and rows every night on my forehead since February 28, 2022. I apply 1 elevens between my brows before bed and after my skincare routine, I apply one elevens between my brows and about 3 rows. Just made sure that your lotion and serum is somewhat dry before applying the Furlesse. I line up the rows with my forehead wrinkles. Each pack is a 30 day supply, made in USA. I literally love waking up, peeling the patches off and seeing the results.
Coupled with drinking more H20, and taking liquid collagen, the elevens and rows have made a HUGE difference with my wrinkles.
My only regret? Not starting it sooner.
Thank you Furlesse for sponsoring this post. All opinions my own. I’m already into my 3rd package of rows and crows. UPDATED CODE 6/9: If you’re curious try, use code SHALICE25 for 25% off sitewide.
What are the deets on price and how to order? Can you use on your upper lip?
Hi Gita! You can order on furlesse.com using code shalice15, the lipsticks are for the upper lip. Lmk what you think!