
Holiday Gift

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Who doesn’t love the fact that leggings and running shoes are hotter than hot right now? It’s now totally chic to arrive on Rodeo Drive in gym attire (minus the sweat), which makes sense when you see all the high-fashion workout wear that is everywhere. Even Beyonce has gotten on this train. Seriously people, this is fashion + comfort in its truest form. Here, I put my own spin on it with faux leather leggings, a cozy knit, and my custom Nike iD’s. Have you checked out their site? It’s the coolest thing to be able to custom design your own Nike’s. You can even write a message in the back. The colors, patterns, and message options are endless, so get to it! You’ll get them just in time to run off all that pie. 

How to get started?

  1. Start with a Color, An icon , and Nike will provide the prompts
  2. They make it
  3. It arrives in 3-5 weeks, they’ll update you via email.
  4. Click HERE to start your new design

Tip: If original Christmas gifts for friends and loved ones isn’t your forte, get them a gift card to customize their own Nike’s. Brilliant right? Visit me on Pinterest to see my top faves.


Thank you NIKE for partnering on this post!